About Us
Deepak Tater Jain
Founder & CEO
Editor-In-Chief - Twell Magazine
Branding Expert
State Secretary - IHRA
Mr. Deepak Tater Jain is the State Secretary of International Human Rights Association - Tamil Nadu Women Empowerment, he is also the CEO and founder of TWELL Media Private Limited, Editor in Chief - TWELL magazine.
Mr. Deepak set off on a journey of providing recognition to people who deserved it.
It all started with a dream, a vision, and a journey towards spectacular destinations across South India, the founder and CEO Mr. Deepak Tater Jain had a vision of empowering the Suburban and Rural cities of South India. He then launched his own media company by the name of Twell Media and hosted the very first award function to honor the amazing entrepreneurs he had met around South India. This award function was named “The South India Business Awards” hosted in 2017.
Our first journey was about 7000 km which was covered in just 40 days researching about 100 successful, unique businesses across South India specifically from the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. And for the second edition, we travelled18000 Kilometers in just 50 days to recognize even more brands from South India which have a lot of unique untold stories, we planned to bring them to the limelight and give them a platform for what they deserve, and yes! it wasn't an easy task whatsoever but then our first award ceremony did rock the stage and the results were just awesome, now next to the same vision and same motto to be followed throughout our journey... and here we are with our next step the “South India Business Awards 2023” and to be followed with an International Award ceremony in the coming months.
The SIBA turned out to be a success with over 300 entrepreneurs and 27 winners. Mr. Deepak started a revolutionary new initiative to bring limelight to underrated entrepreneurs who deserved recognition and a pat on the back through his award functions.
Social Media Survey
Online Business Research
Offline site visits to research your business.
Calculative perspectives
Media and Entertainment Research
Consumer Behaviour
Quantitative Research
Descriptive Research
Qualitative Research
What Do We do?
Twell Media Pvt. Ltd. The Market Research Company has state-of-the-art facilities and over 5 years of experience in handling research projects of every size and scale making it the preferred researcher for leading companies. Our customers have come to rely on our high-quality service, quick turnaround time, and our famous ‘can-do’ approach to the toughest assignments.
Twell Media Pvt. Ltd. are well equipped to meet any market research challenge. We have specialty art in all interview techniques, from a five-minute telephone questionnaire to in-depth interviews. Our team of experts includes market research specialists, analysts, moderators, consumer research specialists, and business strategists.
We bring to you first-hand information and prudent analysis on various industries, technologies, economic and non-economic market parameters, potential markets, and key competitors in the industry to help in identifying prospective growth areas and gain a competitive edge.
We have the skills and capabilities to deliver your objectives.
Our Verification Methodology
Twell Media Pvt. Ltd. Follows Several Verification Methodology to check the accuracy of the applicants.
Verification Methodology
Step 1: Tele Verification
Step 2: Online Verification
Step 3: Site Verification
Step 4: Public Feedback (Voting)
Step 5: Shortlisting
Step 6: Interview and Documentary Shooting
Secondary (Desk Research)
Twell Media Pvt. Ltd. has its own library of different market research projects for secondary research. We also find it fast by using the web and other resources.
Central Location Tests (CLT)
Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
In-depth Interviews (IDI)
PRA studies
Face to Face Interviewing
CATI (Computer added telephonic interviewing)
CAWI (Computer-aided web interviewing)